《 Outfit 》How To Wear A Summer Romper In The Fall

It's the fall season again. Which means that it’s time to put away the summer clothes. But to be honest, I don’t pack my summer clothes until winter officially arrives. The reason being that I think most summer pieces are actually a really good fit for the fall. You can pair them up with some more seasonal items such as a leather jacket and boots, and easily incorporate it into your new fall look. This romper I wore is a good example.

I love to wear rompers in the summer because it’s so convenient and comfortable. I pair them up with a flat and a summer hat then I'm off and ready for the beach! And during the fall, I pair them with a leather jacket and boots which adds a little flair which is great for a night on the town as well.

These shoes are from Schutz, which is currently one of my favorite brands. They are polished and fashionable with a bit of an edge and can go with many different styles. The one important thing that I'd like to point out is that the leather used is very comfortable. I highly recommend these shoes because of this.

Hope everyone enjoyed the outfits today, and remember to not be in such a rush to clean out your summer wardrobe yet.

-----------------  In Chinese  ----------------

九,十月進入秋天季節, 也是衣櫃換季的時候,
其實通常這個時候, 我還不太會把夏天的衣服收起來,
主要原因是, 我覺得夏天的衣服其實在秋天的時候, 也非常好穿搭.
只要簡單的搭配一些屬於秋天的單品, 就可以把夏天的衣服換季穿囉.

而常看我穿搭的觀眾, 也會發現, 我常常以一樣的單品做不同的穿搭示範,

夏天我購入的這件連身褲, 非常的舒服好穿, 到海邊玩的時候, 把比基尼穿在裡面, 很方便穿脫,天氣熱的時候, 簡單的搭配平底涼鞋, 帽子, 就可以出門遊玩.

而秋天一到, 還是很想繼續穿這件連身褲, 就搭配上皮外套, 和比較有個性的皮革高跟靴,
除了適合秋天, 不冷不熱 有點涼涼的天氣之外, 整個造型上, 也變得有點帥氣個性,
很適合 night out的感覺.

這次的鞋子,是我很喜歡的品牌 Schutz, 去年受邀試穿過 Schutz 的鞋子之後, 我就成為忠實顧客不斷的灑錢在它們家鞋子上, 這也是我入手他們家的第四雙鞋,  Schutz 的鞋特色就是既性感又很有個性, 重點是它的鞋版非常合我的腳型, 這點很重要 因為這是高跟鞋穿起來舒服不舒的重點之一.
我很喜歡這種歐美風, 有點帥氣,又有點性感的高跟靴, 可以搭配的風格相當多, 這雙的皮革相當的軟, 穿起來非常的舒服. 接下來, 這雙應該會常常出現在我的秋冬穿搭系列中…而且幫大家找到這雙鞋, 正在特價~~ 喜歡不要錯過囉~ 這裡買

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