《 Outfit 》One-Piece, Two Looks
Ever since I started working at an office, I've gravitated towards the one-piece dress.
It’s so easy to wear, and I don’t have to spend a lot of time thinking about how to match the top and bottom. Just pick a simple accessory, and you're ready to go.
This lace dress that I'm wearing is slim fitting but not too tight. It shows off your curves perfectly and elegantly. Bright yellow? Don’t be shy and adverse to colors that pop. Trust me, yellow looks good in the summer.
I wanted to have some fun so I wore mint color heels from SEMILLA as the 2nd color to match this yellow dress. I LOVE these SEMILLA heels so much. It's very chic and comfortable and I think it matches the dress pretty well.
Another reason I like one-piece dresses is that it can always be worn as a bottom piece.
Let's say that I wanted to dress down a bit. Pair it with an over-sized blue shirt and a pair of slip-ons and voilà! A casual look that you can wear to park or to brunch.
A simple transformation on a dress can easily create a day & night look. It's that easy.
Hope everyone like the outfits today, and don’t forget to follow me on my instagram.
------------------- In Chinese -------------------
以前年輕時 (?!) 很排斥這種及膝的連身洋裝, 總覺得裙子太長很老氣,
所以總是喜歡穿著迷你短裙, 露出整條大腿,
但每一個年齡階段,喜歡的美都不同, 想呈現的也不一樣,
開始上班後, 卻特別喜歡這種很修身的及膝洋裝,
除了穿起來很正式優雅之外,也很能修飾身材的線條, 看起來更有女人味.
腿露多露少不再是決定好不好看的要素, 整體感的氣質與質感才是勝負.
這次我嘗試很亮的黃色蕾絲連身裙, 其實這種很亮的黃色非常的好搭配,很適合夏天,不要害怕嘗試鮮豔的顏色,它們可以讓穿搭變得更有趣!
這件洋裝, 很合身但不貼身, 完全可以呈現身體的曲線,
單穿然後搭上ㄧ些簡單的配件,就很好看, 也非常的適合夏天,
黃色為主, 我選擇搭配薄荷綠的高跟鞋,
平時可以搭配一件T-shirt 或是一件襯衫, 和休閒的平底鞋,
我搭配的是ㄧ件比較中性over size的藍色條紋襯衫,
再搭配豹紋的麻質的休閒鞋, 稍微平衡了一下很Lady的洋裝,
利用一點點小巧思, 就可以讓同一件單品有不同的穿法/風格.
是不是很簡單, 希望妳們喜歡今天的分享囉~
別忘了Like 我的文章/臉書呦~
--------------- What I wore or Similar ----------------
以前很不愛及膝連身洋裝..現在非常愛. 這類型的洋裝除了可以穿的優雅正式,也可以穿的很休閒.今天就以這件黃色的蕾絲洋裝, 分享 正式/休閒 兩種不同感覺的穿搭.真的有種火烤兩吃划算的感覺...XD 穿搭報導連結: http://goo.gl/9HP92l
Posted by Pieces of C* 主播 on Monday, July 13, 2015