《 Outfit 》Lace Up / Gladiator Sandals and Floral Skirt | 夏日必備花裙與綁帶鞋
Recently, I've started hitting the gym. Most people assume that I'm doing this in an attempt to lose weight but I'm not. In fact, I've actually gained about 7 lbs due to all the gorging I've done during the last couple of months. I'm not really worried about this extra weight though, as I'm working to convert it into muscle. Most Asian girls strive to be rail thin, it's a cultural thing, but this is not really a healthy look to me. For me, having a fit body is way more attractive and I'm told that it's healthier too =). It's going to be a lot of hard work to make this change, but I think it will be worth it. Hope to see some results in a few months.
For today's outfit, I am wearing a classic floral skirt that's fitting for the summer. Personally, I think that a floral skirt in the summer can never be wrong. Today I've paired this with my gladiator sandals. These sandals are one of my favorite pairs of shoes. They're so easy to match with any outfit and are so perfectly comfortable for long summer walks. I love the adjustable lacings on these, as you can tie them anyway you like.
-------------------- In Chinese ------------------
以往我都只是上熱瑜伽當成我的運動, 最近我很勤勞的跑健身房, 開始嘗試不同的健身方式.除了上一些不同的有氧課程之外, 也開始做簡單的重量訓練, 等有點小成果再和大家分享,
會開始跑健身房,並不是想瘦身減重, 事實上, 我最近還胖了3,4公斤, 突破近10年來的體重新高.
很多亞洲女生,都很喜歡瘦成紙片人, 對我來說,那樣並不好看, 也不健康.
我認為好看的身材, 是結實有曲線的樣子. 而那也是我一直想要理想身材外形,
有些部分,光做瑜伽是不夠的, 因此我希望可以借由健身房, 增加心肺空能,訓練肌耐力.
讓身體更健康. 不過, 這當然不是件簡單的事情, 需要很多毅力與時間,
希望很快我就會有點小小的成果, 再來和大家分享囉..(給自己加油!)
回到穿搭部分, 夏天必備的花裙, 是最不容易出錯的搭配單品之一, 而且非常的適合春夏, 也不怕退流行, 衣櫃裡總要收藏個幾件. 這次搭配的是我很喜歡的綁帶涼鞋!!
我一直都是綁帶鞋控, 光是這季就買了5,6雙, 也許找個機會寫個 "綁帶鞋特輯" 和大家分享??
羅馬鞋/ 綁帶鞋 是視覺性很強的鞋款, 衣服輕鬆簡單搭配就可以很有型!
我個人不是很喜歡小腿後面有固定的拉鏈式綁帶鞋, 雖然可以省去綁繩子的時間, 走路也繩子也比較不會掉, 但是視覺上我就是不喜歡小腿後多一片長拉鏈..
所以再麻煩我都選擇真的綁帶的, 可以自己依照不同的穿搭調整綁帶的高低度, 比較多變,
不過當然, 走路的時間還是不免會滑下來囉, 只好用力的在最上端稍微綁緊一點囉~
------------------ What I wore or Similar ------------------
Posted by Pieces of C* 主播 on Sunday, June 28, 2015
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星期一好! 我昨天踩上體重計, 完全不敢相信自己的眼睛...我胖了 8 磅...突破近10年來體重新高.但我並沒有改變飲食..到底是發生了什麼事?!anyway, 今天和大家分享最近很喜歡的綁帶/羅馬鞋.這個夏天買了5,6雙..也許該來寫個特輯...(?)分享報導:http://goo.gl/tvHbDm
Posted by Pieces of C* 主播 on Sunday, June 28, 2015