《 Outfit 》ANN TAYLOR PETITE stripe maxi dress & Craftsman and Wolves
Last week we went to San Francisco for a little vacation time.
There are so many delicious food spots to try out in that city.
Thanks to all the readers who shared suggestions of places to sample. I truly wish that we had enough time to try them all (yes, I am very greedy).
Whenever I go somewhere new and foreign, I'm always inclined to look for a good bakery or café first. Getting some caffeine in my system is the first thing I do every morning - I feel like this is where all my energy comes from.
"The Rebel Muffin Within" from "Craftsman and Wolves" was the one item that left quite an impression with me. Maybe it’s because it was my first time having this kind of muffin (as I usually don't go for savory muffins), or maybe it’s just because it's simply delicious, but this is probably one of the most extraordinary piece of pastry that I have ever had the pleasure of sampling. I love how they stuffed the muffin with a perfectly cooked hard-boiled egg (with a soft center). Adding a little bit of their "Basco salt" on the muffin made everything just right. Just the right amount of savoriness with a tiny bit of heat.
This is definitely a must-try spot in San Francisco.
I am very pleased with this dress from Ann Taylor (Petite). It fits me perfectly without any alterations, especially the length. I am 158 cm (5.3 feet) which means that it is extremely hard for me to find a maxi skirt with the right length. I can wear it with flat sandals and the length is just right. It lands on the tip of my toes and it easily goes with 1-2 inch heels as well. The design is simple but elegant. Classic black and white stripes with a playful pattern gives this dress an interesting look. Oh, and the texture of this dress feels very silky as opposed to plain cotton. It’s very comfortable when you walk and the best part about it is that it also flows when you're moving.
Simply beautiful.
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------- ---- -------- Chinese ---- ---- -------- ---- -------- ---- ----
在舊金山待了整整一個星期, 吃了好多美食, 覺得自己都胖了..
感謝親愛的觀眾們, 推薦了我很多 SF的美食基地,
每間看起來都很棒, 很希望我有足夠的時間,通通吃一輪..(貪心)
其中一個讓我印象深刻的,就是 Craftsman and Wolves 這間 Bakery, 有名的 The rebel muffin within
走進這裡的一刻就愛上了這間 Bakery裝潢給人的感覺.
高雅,大氣, 俐落, 非.常.舒.服. 在這裡待上一整天不是問題.(但老闆因該會不爽吧)
慕名前來的 The rebel muffin果然名不需傳,
有點鹹鹹甜甜的, 味道剛剛好, 切開裡面有顆半熟的水煮蛋,
灑上他們自製的basco salt 一點點鹹鹹辣辣的, 美味美味~
這次的長洋裝,讓我很愛不釋手, 經典的條紋, 是以斜的紋路,
簡單的設計穿起來很高雅, 好開心, Ann Taylor 家有 petite的line.
第一次買到及地的長洋裝可以這麼剛好. 穿起來的比例很好..我158cm 還穿平底鞋拍照,
這樣的洋裝, 我也常常會套上一件針織上衣,或 T-shirt, 把它當成長裙穿, 非常百搭喔~
洋裝的材質不是棉質, 有點像是滑滑的絲, 質感很好, 穿起來除了很舒服之外,也很飄逸. 大愛<3
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------- ---- -------- What I Wore ---- ---- -------- ---- -------- ---- ----
悄悄的,部落格稍微改了樣貌..穿搭部分的分享,也增加了英文版,稍稍滿足一些常跟我抱怨看不懂中文的歪國朋友們..只是..這樣一來, 老公也看得懂我寫的文章...那我還能說壞話嗎?(攤手) 和大家分享最近入手很愛的條紋洋裝, 非常經典百搭.我穿起來完全不用改, 不用改, 不用改! 很難得.要說三次報導連結:http://goo.gl/ZZp6az
Posted by Pieces of C* 主播 on Sunday, June 7, 2015